Thursday 13 February 2014

Audience Feedback- Miss Georgiou

Audience feedback is important because it allows you to assess the success of your product. It means you can judge whether your product, in this case our thriller opening, was successful. It also shows you things that you may want to change  in your film and things that our popular with your target audience.

To collect our audience feedback we produced a rough cut of our media product. We showed this people aged 16-17, which was part of our target audience. This was useful as we could see which parts of our film had impressed and which parts the target audience disliked.

The feedback was useful because it then gave us a chance to improve our product  and make it more suited to our target audience.

Three pieces of positive feedback we received were;
- the suspense had been successfully created
- good variety of camera angles
- good use of props i.e the knife, the phone

Three pieces of constructive feedback we received were;
- The pace was too slow in places
- plot seemed unclear at times
- lack of variety in editing

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates a basic understanding of why audience feedback is essential to carry out. This is because you have not reflected on the comments that you received and you have not considered what changes you will make and why.

    This needs to be included, to extend your knowledge and understanding further.
