Thursday 13 March 2014

Evaluation question 2

Due to the fact we had a time limitation of two minutes, we felt it would be easiest to include one main character within our thriller opening. This made it to easier to create a relationship between this main character and the audience rather than having to build relationships between 3 or 4 main characters. When deciding about our main characters we discussed our target audience, which was 15-18 year olds.  We therefore felt it would be appropriate to use a main character who fell into this age range, as it would be relatable for the audience that we wanted to see the film. By using props like headphones and costumes like the sports kit the main character wears, we felt we were able to give the main character a stereotypical relatable feel for most teenagers who are strongly into music and some kind of sporting activity. Also throughout the opening we felt the character acted in a stereotypical way for a teenager, showing his fear and acting with particular caution as you would expect from a younger person, rather than a man. The way the character dealt with the conflict was appealing to the audience because we hoped it would be relatable and similar to how many of them would act in this situation, being of a similar age. We went against the codes and conventions of thriller films by choosing a male victim, as usually, like Scream, Halloween and Psycho, the victim is female. We felt this provided something new for the audience and as males are seen are typically stronger, the fact the man was powerless also made the antagonist seem more sinister and unbeatable.

1 comment:

  1. Your analysis of question 2, demonstrates minimal understanding of how you represented particular social groups. You have made a start in describing some of your choices and decisions that were made, but this needs to be explored and discussed in a lot more detail.
