Thursday 19 December 2013

1) Research into Cinematography - Ms Miller. ------------------

Cinematography is the art or technique of movie photography, including the shooting and development of the film. The different camera shots used can help the audience establish the genre of the film. It can also dictate the mood and tempo of the scene and create different atmospheres and emotions from the audience. It is clear in the film The Purge that the shots have been effectively used as suspense and tension is created throughout the scene.

At the very start of the trailer there is an extreme long shot looking across the empty roads. It shows the audience that the city is deserted and that everyone is taking shelter. This immediately creates a sense of eeriness and suspense. The audience are wondering where everyone is and it makes it seem like the calm before the storm. They would also be wondering why everyone is hidden and what they have to be scared of.

There is then a clip of the family sitting around in their front room. A high angle shot is used in this clip. It makes it seem as though the family are being watched and makes them seem vulnerable even in their own home. It also makes the audience feel as thought the family are unsafe and makes them wonder who or what could be watching them.

During the beginning of the trailer there is a series of shots from a CCTV camera. During these clips there is an ariel shot used. This shot shows a large area on the streets with a couple of fires starting out. There are also hooded men walking and standing around. By using this shot the audience see that there is a large amount of chaos and trouble on the streets. This could create a sense of fear for the audience by showing them that things are out of control and that their is a sense of danger because no one is safe. It also creates a relationship between the audience and the main characters as they would be scared for the family having to defend themselves against the chaos.

Later on in the clip there is a close up shot used. The close up shot is of the gun. The shot emphasises the importance of the gun and the shows the man senses that he is in danger. This also shows the audience that their is going to be trouble and that the weapon will be needed. This builds suspense as the viewer is waiting for the violence or conflict to begin. It also makes the audience wonder why the gun will be used and what for.

The long shot is used in the clip when the camera shows the entire outside of the house with the dark sky behind it. By using this shot it makes the house seem vulnerable against the outside world and very open. The dark skies make the background seem scary as we do not know what is waiting in the dark. This makes the audience feel uneasy as they sense the house in not safe. This helps to create tension and build suspense. The setting of the home also makes it more relatable for the audience and they can empathise with the main characters.

Another close up is used later on in the film when the boys arm is hovering over the disarm button. This creates suspense and a great deal of tension. It also puts the audience on edge as they know the boy should not press the button. The fact it is a close up also shows the importance of the button and shows it is the turning point of the entire film.

As the clip progresses there is use of a deep focus shot. The main character is standing at the wall in front of the camera and a masked intruder is lurking behind him. The man is out of focus whereas the intruder is in focus. The focus shows the importance of the intruder as he is very dangerous. The clip is used to create a great deal of tension and fear with the audience as we can see the intruder coming but the man in the film can not. This also creates empathy as the audience want to help the characters situation but cannot.

When the attacker lunges for the man later on in the clip a low angle shot is used. The camera is looking up at the attacker. This angle makes the attacker seem dominant and in control. It also makes the audience scared for the character as he seems powerless and weak compared to the person attacking him.

1 comment:

  1. You have analysed most of your clips using the PEER format and related them back to the audience in most cases.
    You have shown a clear understanding of the different camera shots and their purpose; however, you need to elaborate on your points further and relate it back to the thriller genre.
    To improve your blog further you need to:
    1) Pick a clip from the film and not the trailer
    2) Include screen shots of your points
    3) Elaborate on your points further and explain how and why the shots are used
    4) Relate points back to the thriller genre
    5) Include a summary of your analysis explaining how it has helped you in preparation for your own thriller clip
