Sunday 15 December 2013

10) Inspirations- Miss Miller ----------

STATE- Why do we need inspiration before we can create something? Where can we take inspiration from? Where have you taken inspiration from in realtion to your thriller?

ELABORATE- What sequences have you looked at and what inspirations have you taken from them? How were they inspiring? How will you try to incorporate these ideas into your opening sequence, whilst making them your own?

EVALUATE- How was your research useful in terms of getting ideas for your narrative? How have various inspirations made your sequence better?

Before we began creating our thriller film opening we looked at other thriller films to discover more about different ways each film builds suspense. By looking at typical codes and conventions of thrillers it helped us choose what we wanted our film to be like.

When looking for inspirations from other films out group liked the way that suspense was build within the film paranormal activity. This gave the inspiration to use a spirit or ghost for our film. We chose to use a spirit in our thriller opening because we felt that there was more we could do if the antagonist was not seen. If the antagonist had been a visible monster there would have been less we could have done with the character. By using the ghost it meant we could use things like slamming doors and lights turning on and off which are things that are used in paranormal activity to successfully  build the suspense.

When deciding on the setting of our film I looked at films like the strangers, the purge and paranormal activity. All of these films had the setting of a house. We used this as inspiration and decided to use the house as our setting for our thriller opening. The setting of our house we felt would built the suspense more effectively within the audience. We felt this because the setting would be relatable for them and this would also help create empathy and build a relationship between the audience and main character  because they could see themselves in that situation.

Another thing we looked at for inspirations was the questionnaire that we produced. This asked people numerous questions about things they preferred to see in thriller films and thing that were most effective in building suspense. This gave us inspirations for what we wanted to include within our opening and what things would attract our target audience.  For example if the majority of our target audience said that a spirit or ghost was more scary than a monster than we would use that as these are the kind of people we are aiming the film towards. The questionnaire was extremely important in giving us inspirations because it looked at every aspect of the film including setting, characters, music, suspense building and sounds used in the film.

1 comment:

  1. This is a post about inspirations YOU have found individually from your individual research (research into cinematography etc,)

    Each micro-element (cinematography, sound, editing, mise-en-scene, conventions, characters) needs to have a paragraph and film stating what in the film you found inspiring and why and how you will incorporate it into your sequence whilst making it your own
