Tuesday 17 December 2013

11) Opening scenaration- Miss Miller -------

The opening of our clip begins with the main character, Reece, walking into the house. A high angle shot is used to show him coming in the door and turning on the TV. The high angle shot makes it seem like Reece is being watched which straight away builds the suspense.

A panning shot is used to show Reece walking across the front room. It shows us more of the room and shows us Reece is home alone. It makes him seem alone and the audience will see him as vulnerable.

Reece pulls a pack of ham out of the fridge  and stabs it with a knife. There is a close up shot on the knife which places emphasis on the weapon and makes the audience wonder whether it will be used later. It is an example of foreshadowing.

As Reece takes the food out of the microwave we used a reaction shot to show Reece's reaction to the noises upstairs. By showing a close up in this shot we see his scared facial expression which creates empathy amongst the audience and far as they will be wondering what the noise upstairs was as well.

We then used a long shot to show Reece walking out of the kitchen towards the stairs. The long shot made Reece look vulnerable again and alone in the house. A low angle shot was then used  over the shoulder of Reece to show him walking up the stairs. The shot made the upstairs of the house look sinister an intimidating. It would have created fear and suspense amongst the audience as Reece got closer and closer to the top of the stairs.

As he comes to the top of the stairs a high angle is shot is used to show him on the final few steps. Like the shot earlier on in our opening it makes Reece seem like he is being watched. It also makes the audience feel like he is not alone in the house and it is an example of hidden identity as the audience do not know who it is watching Reece.

We used a slow timing of shots as Reece came up the stairs because we wanted to build the suspense before the climax. The climax comes as Reece begins to climb the second flight of stairs. We used a mid shot to show him with the door behind him. The door slams which acts as the climax and is intended to make the audience jump.

After the door slams the timing of shots became much quicker to up the tempo and make the clip more suspenseful. We used a series of long shots to show the doors slamming down the corridor of the house.

After the doors slammed we used another reaction shot from Reece to again create empathy and fear amongst the audience. As he runs down the stairs we used a low angle shot to show him coming down but as he gets to bottom he stops.

The timing of shots then slows again so that we could recreate the suspense. The long shot of Reece walking into the kitchen lasts for around 6 seconds which builds the suspense as he is asking who is there.

Reece then ran out of the kitchen and fell over. For this scene we used a mid shot. When showing his body on the floor we used a high angle shot to make him seem vulnerable and in danger.

We used a POV from Reece when he ran out the house. As he runs up to people you can see them ignoring him as though he isn't there. By using a POV it made a  relationship between the audience and Reece by giving an insight into what he was thinking. We wanted to create empathy with the audience as they could feel his frustration and franticness at being ignored by the people in the street.

Reece than walks back in his house to find his own dead body. For this shot we used a mid shot of his legs walking slowly to the body. The slow pace of this scene built the suspense and emphasised the importance of what Reece had just found.

When Reece's dead body is on the floor we did a close up shot tracking across his body. We done this very slowly to build suspense as we reached his head. As the shot reached Reece's face we held the camera over his head for a few seconds before Reece jumps.


1 comment:

  1. You have provided a good recount of your opening sequence, explaining the cinematography used and why.

    You need to talk about the other micro-elements used (sound, editing, mise-en-scene etc) throughout also
    Include a summary pin pointing specific conventions that you feel will make your sequence better/more conventional etc.
    Get rid of the massive space after your post
