Tuesday 22 October 2013

5) Opening scene - Ms Georgiou --------

This clip begins with the use of a handheld shot. This makes it seem like the house is being watched and creates suspense amongst the audience. It is also hidden identity as we do not know the person who is watching the house. As the camera looks inside the house we see the low key lighting which runs throughout the rest of the clip. This lighting is conventional to a thriller film and makes the atmosphere more eerie.

The woman seen in the scene is a blonde female. This is conventional to a thriller film as by using a female the character seems more vulnerable and helpless than a male victim. This creates a greater sense of empathy and helps to build more of a relationship between the audience and the main character.

The setting of the opening clip is a house. This would make the film scarier to those watching as it is a relatable setting. This would also help to create more empathy and build a relationship between the audience and main character because it is easier for the audience to see themselves in that position. This is similar to paranormal activity which is also set in a house and makes the audience more on edge as they can relate to the setting of the house.

As the unknown person enters the house there is a jump cut is used to focus on the knife. By putting the focus on the knife it begins to give the audience the idea that it will be significant later in the clip. By making the audience wonder what the knife will be used for this shot is successful in building suspense.

There is great deal of music and non diegetic sound added to increase the tension in the clip. When the man enters the house there is the noise of a clock ticking, this foreshadows that the main characters time is running out. It is also used to build suspense. As the person walking through the house gets further in the clock becomes louder and more evident to the audience. This helps put the audience on edge as they are expecting something to happen next. As the person reaches the bottom of the stairs there is the sound of the clock chiming as he moves to the top of the house. This is the climax to the suspense of the clock which has been ticking throughout the clip.

1 comment:

  1. Your analysis of Halloween demonstrates some understanding of how micro elements are used in the sequence. You have made a start in considering some of the codes and conventions of a thriller film, but further discussion is needed, to demonstrate further understanding of the purpose of the sequence.

    To develop this post, you need to-
    1) Include detailed PEER points on the sounds, editing and mise-en-scene
    2) Include a conclusion, to explain how the opening sequencec appeals to an audience
    3) Include a summary, to explain how your research will assist you with planning your thriller
