Tuesday 8 October 2013

7) Individual ideas for a narrative- Ms Georgiou ------------

The idea for my narrative is set at a high school party when all of the lights turn off. When they are turned back on there are numerous bodies to be found lying on the floor. I would use a range of shots to create the suspense in this clip. At the beginning I would use a quick timing of shots to show the quick tempo and atmosphere of the party. I would also use a high angle shot just before the lights go out to make it seem as though the students are being watched. I think that the effect of this would be to create suspense and hidden identity as it would be unknown who is watching the students. The sense of them being stalked could be furthered by some shots from outside the house looking in which would again make it seem as though the party is being stalked. The conventions I have used for this are typical to a thriller because the dead bodies will be those of blonde females which is common in films like Psycho and Scream. For my individual narrative ideas I have chosen to use inspirations from the films paranormal activity, prom night and scream. The setting of the house in paranormal activity I felt made the film scarier as it was more relatable to an audience and the party theme of prom night I felt was also relatable as people could see themselves being in that situation. Scream was used as inspiration due to the fact the killer has a hidden identity which creates mystery and an added element of fear as we do not know who it is carrying out the killings.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates a basic understanding of what your opening sequence will include and this is because you have not discussed your narrative in enough detail. Therefore, you need to read over your work and ensure that you have explored all your points in more detail.

    You also need to expand on your inspirations by explaining your chosen films in a lot more detail. Aim to include images to support the points that you have made
