Sunday 13 October 2013

2) Sound in Thrillers - Ms Miler ---------------

In thrillers suspense and tension are created by using things like sound effects and music. I am going to be looking at how this is done by analysing the sound within the clip from the film 'Vacancy'.

At the very start of the clip the TV is turned on and begins to crackle. The sound of the TV crackling immediately shows the audience there is no signal and suggests they are in an isolated area. When the video is inserted you can here the screaming and pain from the TV which shows the audience that whatever they are watching is not very nice.

As the main character watches the video there is a high pitched non diegetic noise. The more the man watches the video the higher and louder the noise becomes. This builds the suspense and the crowd begin to realise that what he is watching is happening in the room they are in.

As the man realises its the same room there is a sudden deep noise which shows us he had confirmed his fears. This sound will also make the audience realise what the man has found out and may create empathy for the character.

As he gets up the screaming from the TV continues which foreshadows what may happen to them if they stay in the room. This puts the audience on edge as they will be urging the main characters to escape the room.

The suspenseful music kicks in again as the woman also realises that the videos are in the room they are in. This intensifies the feelings of fear as both characters think what to do next.

The man begins to look around the room and he finds a camera. The camera is heard whirring and moving. This acts as a climax to the suspense which has been building throughout the clip as we now definitively know that the couple are being watched. The sound of the camera makes the couple seem vulnerable as there every moved is being watched.

The lights then cut out in the room and as they do there is a sudden deep note played followed by silence. The silence is as effective as the sounds themselves as it puts the audience on edge and makes them think something is about to happen or jump out.

1 comment:

  1. You have shown a basic understanding of the types of sounds used in thrillers, but not idetified the sound technique for each.

    To improve your post you need to:
    1) Label all the sound techniques identified
    2) Elaborate on your points in further detail, explaining why they are used, to create what etc.
    3) Relate all points back to the thriller genre
    4) Explain how the audience has a better understanding of the characters because of the sound
    5) Include a summary of your research
