Monday 4 November 2013

5) Individual story board blog - Ms Miller ------------

The purpose of my individual storyboard is to show the ideas that I had for the opening of my Thriller clip. The other two members of my group also created individual storyboards so that when creating a group storyboard we could take ideas from each of us and use them to create our final piece. I used inspiration from the film paranormal activity to help make my storyboard, and used some of the things in the film like the empty house and the presence of a spirit. The  storyboard starts with the girl in her house alone before hearing noises upstairs. As she goes up all the doors around her slam, and when she goes to the top of the stairs she is pulled by hair, down the stairs where she dies. This is also an idea I took from paranormal activity with the pulling of the hair and the slamming of the doors as they act as a climax to the suspense and they are easy to film but effective. I used the ideas of an empty house as it makes the girl seem more vulnerable. Also the setting of the house is more relatable to the audience and people watching which makes it seem scarier, like it could happen to them.

1 comment:

  1. You have explained the purpose of a storyboard and what you have included in yours, stating where some of your inspirations have come from.
    You need to explain why certain elements have been used and what you hope they will create (e.g. low key lighting to create...).

    To improve your post you need to:
    1) Explain why you have chosen to use certain elements and to create what
    2) Include images of your completed storyboard
    3) Explain how you will work with your group to try and incorporate each other's ideas
