Sunday 3 November 2013

4) Questionnaire pie chart analysis - Ms Miller ------------

Most of the people that we interviewed
as shown in the pie chart, were aged 
between 15-17. This is because the target 
audience for our opening is 15 to 17 year olds, 
so by asking them we could get a better understanding
of what kind of things they like so we could base our opening 
around that. 
In this question we wanted to aim more for females
as in our opening the victim is a female. This mean females 
will be more likely to empathise with the main character. 
However we would have liked to have made it more of
a balance between males and females to give us a slightly 
better ideas of what males want to see in thriller films. 
In this question it was helpful that the majority of people said 
they like the age group of characters to be teenagers because
in all of our individual narratives there were teenage characters 
involved. It also confirmed that we will be using a teenage character
in our opening clip. 
Throughout our opening clip we have planned lots of conventional
suspense building techniques and as the antagonist is a spirit we will
need to build the suspense in other ways as you can not see the thing
the main character will be battling with. This is why lots of people saying
that suspense is there favourite thing in a thriller helped us make our 
decision. However only 8% of people said that a female victim was
there favourite thing about a thriller which does not support our idea
of having a female victim. 

One of the inspirations for our opening is the film
paranormal activity. In the film there is a great deal
of silence used to create suspense, and the fact 30%
of people said that was most effective, helped us 
make our decision to use a large amount of silence
to help create suspense. 

40% of the people asked said that high pitched music
was there preference in a thriller film. I can use this
information in my thriller by using high pitched noises
as the majority of people said this was most effective.
It was important to my research as we wanted to find out
the different ways we could put the audience on edge.

57% of our target audience said that a deserted house is the
best setting for a thriller so we have decided to use that 
setting for our thriller clip. I believe that a house is a very
relatable setting which increases the fear and empathy the
audience will feel towards the main characters. 

The supernatural thriller is the kind of thriller clip
we have chosen to make. Our choice was backed up
by the majority of people saying that it was the best 
type of thriller . I feel like the supernatural element
plays on peoples minds more and helps to create the 
suspense and fear.

1 comment:

  1. You have explained what you results show and how they link in (or do not) with your group narrative. You need to explain why you have decided to keep certain elements even though they contradict your findings (female victim).

    To improve your post you need to:
    1) Explain why you will use elements even if they contradict findings
    2) Give examples of what things you will include in relation to your research (what type of eerie/high pitched noise?)
    3) Include an overall summary of your findings
    4) Include a summary of your open questions (with at least one example and the results)
    5) Include vox pops
