Friday 8 November 2013

10) Planning Editing Styles - Miss Georgiou ----------

 Why is editing important within thriller film?

What editing styles will you include within your sequence and why? What effect will this create?

How are your editing styles conventional to at thriller film? 

How will your editing appeal to your audience? 

Editing is important within a thriller film because it helps create different atmospheres and moods during the film. It is used to link scenes together and dictate the tempo of a scene. Quick timing of shots can quicken the pace and create tension. Slower timing of shots can build suspense and enigma.

Within our sequence we will include both slow and quick timing of shots depending on the mood we wish to create. During the beginning of the scene when things begin to happen in the house we will use a slower timing of shot to create suspense and make the audience wonder what is happening. As Lucy is being chased through the house the timing of shots will quicken as the pace of the clip speeds up. We will be using straight cuts to move between the scenes as this is the most effective, quickest way to change between the scenes.

My editing styles are conventional to a thriller film because in films like Paranormal Activity there are long timing of shots when there is nothing happening throughout the house. This builds suspense as we, the audience are constantly waiting for something to happen. This is what we want to create in our thriller clip and then quicken the shots up during the chase scenes, when there is activity with the spirit in the house. The quicker timing of shots also can act as a climax to the suspense like the killing scene in psycho. Slow timing of shots was used as the killer approaches the shower, but a much quicker timing of shots was used when he was actually killing the woman inside the shower.

My editing will appeal to my audience because when watching a thriller film the audience expect things like suspense and enigma and tension to be created. This is what people want to see when watching a film like mine. So through the editing I have used the audience will find my movie appealing as it is conventional and expected from a film in the thriller genre.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates basic planning techniques and this is because you have not explored the editing styles of your thriller sequence in enough detail. You have only briefly described an overview and you have not related to your group narrative either, which makes this very basic.

    To develop this, you need to explore the purpose the editing styles will have in your thriller sequence, by focusing on the effect it will create, where it will take place and how it follows the codes and conventions of a thriller film.
