Friday 29 November 2013

13) Planning Opening credits- Miss ----------

Credits are important because they acknowledge and give credit to those who had a part in the making of the film.

The credits of a film usually include;
- The production company
- The main actors/actresses
- Directors
- Music Producers
- Sound Producers
- Producer
- Editing
- Sound

Credits, and the style of the credits can give a clue to the style and genre of the film. This is evident in the credits for the film Se7en. In the film Se7en the credits are white on a black background. This contrast in colours may signify the conflicts between good and bad within the film. This is also foreshadowing that there will be a conflict between two people or two groups of people, which we know happens throughout the film, with the detectives and the murderer. The credits are jumpy and sketchy. This immediately creates an eerie atmosphere and creates tension with the audience. The credits show a number of pages being highlighted and crossed out throughout. This is use of hidden identity as the audience is not sure who the person is and why they are highlighting the pages. This also creates mystery amongst the audience.

The black swan opening credits also create mystery through hidden identity. The credits show a womans hand drawing in charcoal on a white piece of paper. Hidden identity is used as we as the viewer do not know who it is holding the charcoal. The mystery is further created as we do not know what the woman is drawing. The credits also build suspense as the music picks up pace and the womans hand begins to draw quicker and harder. The music is evidence of contripuntal sound as the classical music is not conventional to a thriller film.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates a basic understanding of why credits are important. You have analysed two sequences, but further discussion of the conventions, colours, effects and audience expectations of a narrative is needed, to demonstrate further understanding.

    Now you need to start considering what the style of your own credits will look like and what colours and fonts that you will include and why?
